Are YouTube Advertisements Effective or a Sham?

YouTube is everywhere nowadays. It’s on your phone, streaming to the Smart TV, and even playing your favorite tunes on the laptop. We can’t deny how successful this video sharing platform has become, gaining millions of visitors every day, and hundreds of hours of content uploaded simultaneously. The platform is now home to many content creators, landowners, influencers, brands, and stars, also serving as the source of entertainment for people around the world.

However, YouTube’s dominance has also made way for a new marketing channel, allowing businesses to advertise on one of the most engaging platforms. But does it meet all the high expectations it aspires to?

Today, we will be taking an in-depth look into YouTube advertising and why your brand should consider, or pass, on using YouTube Ads.

Customer Engagement Is King

In today’s marketing landscape, interacting with your audience and producing engaging advertisements is king in lead generation. Gone are the days when information-heavy content was all that it took, and now potential customers need intent and actionable experiences. Without recognizing these new marketing aspects, companies risk losing their audience’s attention and favor.

The evolving audience is where YouTube video ads shine the most because, unlike text-heavy content, videos can please both the sense of sight and hearing while translating messages much more straightforward. This engagement level enables marketing teams to hook and reel in more visitors and convert them into shoppers.

One example of YouTube ads’ capability to reawaken vigor to a brand is Wells Fargo, who, up until a certain point, had headlines, not in a favorable light. YouTube video ads and storytelling reestablished the brand’s future and successfully linked them to their customers once again.

Different Types of Ads

Back then, advertising options were minimal, so whether you were selling an estate or increasing brand awareness for a product, you only had traditional methods to use. This limitation, though, is nowhere seen in YouTube ads as you don’t just get one but multiple formats for different advertising options.

This level of freedom level allows marketing teams to get creative, adjust their ads accordingly, and be more flexible. And among the following are the ad formats you can enjoy on YouTube:

  • Display Ads: These ads appear at the upper right-hand corner of your screen, and just above your video suggestions list. It’s eye-catching and is highly dependent on clicks for AdSense.
  • Overlay Ads: These are the semi-transparent ads that appear on the lower portion of your video. While others see it as annoying, it is a great way to get potential customers in touch with brands or products that they might enjoy.
  • Skippable/Non-Skippable Video Ads: These are the most common ads and can pop up before, during, or right at the end of the video. They come in video format and are the ads people are most familiar with. You can either choose to make them skippable or non-skippable.
  • Bumper Ads: Short non-skippable ads that appear before the start of a video.

Reach a Wider Audience

The Internet, cloud computing, and social media platforms have brought the world closer and more interconnected than ever before. And with platforms like YouTube, they give you instant access to a broader audience that spans the entire world. So whether you’re selling your creative work or maybe even your courses, advertising on YouTube lets you tap into markets that you thought were unreachable.

Your advert could be playing over hundreds of devices at any given time, increasing the hit rate of converting potential clients into actual buying customers. Plus, if you’re banking on the concept of getting your name out there and raising brand awareness, then YouTube should be your go-to. And according to Google, nearly 90% of people discover new brands through YouTube.

social mediaAre There Cons?

Of course, no matter how amazing a platform YouTube might be as a marketing channel, there are potential downsides that we have to consider before we jump ship. And while the pros do weight out the cons, these weight of these factors vary from industry to industry, and one business might not find it favorable to use YouTube for their marketing strategy. Among the following are things you need to take note of:

  • Rethink Your Budget: If you’re a relatively small business or agency, you might want to reconsider using your budget elsewhere. While some YouTube ads don’t incur expenses without direct clicks, video ads, on the one hand, do build up over time and don’t fair with smaller budgets.
  • Do You Have a Video in Mind: You also have to consider video production, filming, and editing. Unless you already have a finished video ready to go, you might want to hold back on using YouTube video adverts. Focus first on your message and what you’re going to show until you keep it as a potential part of your marketing plan.

Take the Leap of Faith

Yes, YouTube advertisements are definitely useful and can be very beneficial, depending on how well you utilize its potential. But, it does come with its potential caveats too, as not all agencies, companies, and industries share the same circumstances, effectiveness can vary.

Overall, we suggest that you take the leap of faith and get your brand and name out there. If the potential downsides don’t apply to you, then there should be nothing holding you back from advertising on YouTube!